Update 1.10 is coming February 2nd!

Happy new year all! I hope you had a great time celebrating the holidays in whichever way you do.

I'm pleased to announce that the next version of Super Video Golf will be available on February 2nd 2023. This version is quite a milestone, not only does it bring many fixes, new features and new content, it signals the launch of Super Video Golf on Steam. To read about what's coming in the update check out the previous progress updates here and here.

Just to recap: Super Video Golf will still be available here on itch.io and anyone who has donated, or donates before the release date, will automatically get a Steam key when they are available as well as access to all future updates. Once 1.10 is released Super Video Golf will cost $8.99, however there will be a 33% discount for the first week. The Steam version only officially supports Windows (and linux via proton) however the itch version will continue to support linux (where possible, existing caveats apply) and macOS (currently only Intel macs). All the previous versions of Super Video Golf will remain free, and can be downloaded from the GitHub releases page. It will also remain open source. Do also note that there's no cross-platform play between the Steam and itch versions.

I understand some people may be disappointed with the new pricing of Super Video Golf (although some people have also donated a lot more than the asking price already, thank you! 😁) but unfortunately even fun and games cost money to make. I have spent nearly two years working on this project and I appreciate every one of you who has downloaded, shared, commented and donated to it. I also understand not everybody has money to spare to spend on entertainment, so do remember that the itch version of the game is (and always will be, if I can help it) DRM free - so if you'd like to share your download with a friend or two, please do 😉.

To be notified of the release make sure to follow me here, or wishlist the Steam version - where I'll also post the (rather lengthy) change log for those who are interested. See you on the 2nd!

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