New game, Desert Island Duel

Those who have been following me on Twitter (@TrederiaGames) will know that for the last couple of years I have been working on and off on a multiplayer treasure hunting game named Desert Island Duel. The game pits four players online (or bots if you so chose) against each other in a race to dig up as much treasure on the desert island as possible. Each island is randomly generated so that no game plays the same twice. The layout, the treasure locations and hazards such as bee hives are always new - unless you supply a seed from a previously generated island when hosting a new game. As well as a trusty shovel players are equipped with a sword and a pistol so conflicts are abound! Players must not only deal with each other, however, bees will sting you if you get too close, or chase you into the sea. At night (there's a full day/night cycle) zombie pirates rise from the ground to haunt the players and run off with any unattended treasure... Barrels regularly wash ashore, containing health, ammo, and items such as landmines, flares or the Spooky Skull. Some barrels are powder kegs - so striking these are not a good idea! And some merely contain a harmless sea dweller or two. Desert Island Duel is one of the most complete and complex games available in OSGC, although there are bound to be a few small updates in the future, pending player feedback. I'm very proud to finally be in a position to release this game, and look forward to finding out what everyone thinks! This release also marks the first distribution of linux binaries - I'd love to hear people's experience with it (did it work, did it need extra files installed, etc.) as it has proven somewhat tricky to create for the linux platform, which is a shame as I'd love to be able to suppport it. For those who are more technologically minded you can find the source for OSGC on github, which is regularly tested to build on Windows, Linux and macOS and create binaries yourself.

Files 115 MB
Nov 02, 2019
osgc-0.1.3-x86_64.tar.gz 105 MB
Nov 02, 2019

Get OSGC - Open Source Game Collection

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